Porcelain Veneers - Cypress, TX

Restore Chips,
Cracks, and Gaps

Crafting Smiles, Creating Confidence

Do you have cosmetic flaws affecting your confidence in your smile? Porcelain Veneers are suitable for persistently stained teeth, cracks, and chips. A porcelain veneer is a custom-crafted shell crafted from dental porcelain, meticulously shaped to conceal your tooth’s imperfections. Porcelain Veneers are a cosmetic treatment to enhance a tooth’s visual appearance tarnished by discoloration, staining, chipping, or misalignment. These veneers become intricately bonded to the tooth’s outer layer, transforming color, form, dimensions, and length. The outcome is nothing short of a harmonious and visually pleasing result while upholding the durability of your natural tooth’s nature. Our Prosthodontist, Dr. Aymerich, at The Perfect Smile. Cosmetic & Dental Implant Center has years of experience in the art and science behind this smile makeover treatment.

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Am I a Candidate for Veneer Teeth?

Nearly all of our patients who come to our prosthodontic office are candidates for porcelain veneers. While dental veneers don’t resolve functional issues such as malocclusion (a bad bite), they can be a great solution for cosmetic issues in your smile zone. These issues may include:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Malformed teeth

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Customize Your Smile

When you get porcelain veneers from our team, our Prosthodontist takes the time to customize every little detail. Not only do veneers hide your problem teeth, but they can also provide a completely natural-looking restoration in as few as two appointments. At your first appointment, Dr. Aymerich will remove a thin layer of enamel from your problem teeth. He’ll then take detailed scans and impressions of the modified teeth so his team can hand-design them to fit perfectly. Once your veneers are ready, you’ll return to our office in Cypress, TX. Dr. Aymerich will verify the fit and appearance of your porcelain veneers before cementing them to your teeth. You don’t have to complete any special maintenance on these veneers: simply brush and floss daily. Your veneers will complement your other teeth, your gums, your lips, and even your skin tone, and they will last for years to come.